Falling Leaves

November 23, 2016 12:33 pm Published by

Have you ever wondered what happens to all of those autumn leaves after they have been swept up from the roads?

They get recycled and turned into compost!
Here at PMG we have our own recycling facility where we process up to 25 tonnes of road sweeping and gully waste each year. In addition to processing the waste from our own fleet of vehicles we have contracts with Bristol City, South Gloucestershire and Bath Councils along with major highways infrastructure company Skanska and a whole host of blue chip construction companies.

None of the waste managed by us is sent to landfill. Sand and aggregate is graded and separated out for re-use, metal is sold-on and litter and oversized non organic waste goes to a company that turns it into refuse derived fuel (RDF) which is used for power generation.

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This post was written by Danny Liddeatt

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