Hot on health and safety: now it’s official

January 19, 2015 11:18 am Published by

Since joining the company in July last year I’ve been beavering away compiling the seemingly endless volumes of paperwork required to gain accreditation from Safecontractor for our excellence in health and safety.

It’s been a long old haul for something we already knew we were doing right, but now it seems worth all the effort as today we received confirmation that we’ve passed the exacting Safecontractor criteria for our capabilities and standards. Another certificate for the files!

The auditors examined how we avoid and manage risks, how well we train our drivers, operatives and other staff and they crawled over our paper trails to ensure every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed.

Safecontractor accreditation will hopefully further enhance PMG’s ability to attract new contracts. Major organisations favour contractors who can prove their commitment to, and certification of, robust health and safety policies.A nice little additional benefit will be that insurance companies look favourably on companies with this in place! 

PMG Services as a whole, and our individual components, passed with flying colours and we are now officially a Safecontractor and on the list of approved companies.

Happy days.


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This post was written by Danny Liddeatt

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